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When joints ache like never before

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When joints ache like never before 

When joints ache like never before 05 Sep 2014 11:34

1 rino01 Joint pains and inflammation are common among even the youngsters nowadays and this is attributed as a life style disorder. rheumatoid arthritis ayurvedic treatment has more extensive curative packages and is of more concern as the patient will be under immense pain. Rheumatoid arthritis is called as ‘Amavata’ and is the most difficult of all types as the joints of the hands, feet, knee, ankles, elbow, lower back and hip become inflamed and intensely painful. The following are the lines of treatment adopted for managing rheumatoid arthritis – fasting is adopted with complete absence of food and it is beneficial but the overall health must be analyzed by experts first. Following this, the body will be purified with purgatory medicines like medicated enema and treatment is then followed for reducing the symptoms. Castor oil is used during the process of treatment and local application of medicated preparations help in relieving the pain. During the process of treatment effective and time tested formulations are used for ingestion as well as for application on the affected parts which will fasten the healing process. In addition to this, strict dietary rules must be adopted by consuming foods that are easy to digest and incorporate life style changes that must be practiced even after the therapy session like avoiding stress, doing relaxation exercises, getting enough sleep, following a systematic life on the whole. Panchakarma therapy is done as a cleansing process for eliminating all the waste products that have accumulated over time and has combined with other by-products and is deposited in the weaker parts of the body.

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