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Vata Vyadies/Arthritis In Ayurveda

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Vata Vyadies/Arthritis In Ayurveda 

Vata Vyadies/Arthritis In Ayurveda 29 Okt 2013 08:20

1 tripathi Vaat vyadiesArthrities vaat rakt (gout) in weastern therapy called Arthrities. and in Ayurveda it is called Sandhi Vaat. sandhi (joints). vaat.(dosh prsent in joints).. According to Ayurveda all kind of Vaat disorder vikrati begains from early stage called rheumatic arthritiesand as time it increased its converted into gout (vaat rakt) and sandhi vaat.. and it is called as severe Arthrites. and that create so much pain in joints and cartilages... All those vaat disorder caused by aggravation of vaayu, some times vitaiation of Kaph along with vayu bring an attack on the joints.. that is cuased due to imblanced food, improper food, that brings consitipation(gas), acidity.. all those begnins from prakupit vaaat.. due to all those begnins in body and due to constipation the toxins and aam are captured in Intestine and create vayu dosh,, in that maall (stools) are not clear.. due to this arise it gives rise to pain in the body, and then pain start to convert in joints., the main reasons is that as vayu get prakupit(blokaged ) and the flow comes from joints and causes the pains.. and even sweeling.. Symptoms :- Due to longer period of constipation, lazzyness, due to obesity, no hardworking,, it start with pain in leg and hand, then it increased into joints, sweeling (sodh) seems in bodyfinger leg joint causes pain, and as problem increased the doshit ( bad vayu) caused to make more damage and more problem arise with aam vaat, and pain in joint, the most draw back of the arthrities si when any joint start the pain its inflammation other joint also also caused pain to other joints,, the pain compare to day is more and much in night. even some times when more pain accour it causes fever also.. that is the cause that the inflamation in joint can covers the cartilage and slowly slowly that pain captured the whole body,, aand all those movable jonts causes immovable and pains in jont and swelling accors in whole body,, even that is also accour on those person who is weak there imuminty power is week, they are effort less,, they easily caused by this effect, it is also some times to those having the nature of Rajyog,, dosh and even those who is suffering from obesity,, in that case all those toxins and aam they not even infected the joints but slowly it effect the whole body and small pain continue to form a big pain,, Blood test:- In blood test if it seems due to increase of URIC ACID and BLOOD SEDIMENTAION RATE is also increased,, PRECAUTION:- 1 Be carefull from cold.. 2 allways take shower (bath) warm water adding salt in it.. 3 never feel body causing constipation that is the most effective cause of arthrities. 4 once in week there should be always MRADU VIRECHAN.. 5 Patient accrording to there body energy need to do yoga and exersice, 6 restriction for sleeping in day time and no to take spicy food, oily food, fatty food, and even protienious food, 7 tea coffee cold drinks, alcohol, tabacco, NON veg, ice curd, rice are not to take in arithrities, PATHYA:- SWEET FRUITS according to season, fresh juice, aapples, graps, vegitables soup, sallad, cow milk before sleeping in night, unclotted curd after lunch, wheat chapati can be taken, Treatment.. Once and twice in a week castoir oil 5 tea spoon oil put in 200ml of warm sweet water and taken before sleep for virechan,, use of maharayan tail, steam swad (vasp swed) under obesrvation of vaidya or specialist. all those disorder can also be cured by help of PANCHKARMA and also by the perfect NIDAN, be careful in this treatment because small careless ness can create more trouble to whole body and that give birth to facial paralysis, and even starting of paralyiss,, so that all those process can be in the supervision of specialist of Vaidya.. effective herbal compound and preparation for arthrities,, first compound... vatkulantak ras Mahavat vidhwansak ras vat gujankush ras sameer gaj keshari mall sindorr samer pannag ras prawal pisti akeek pisti 1-1 dose twice a day with honey... second compound triyodasang gugglu ---60 tab simhanath gugglu ----60tab punarnava mandoor--- 120tab keshor gugulu 60tab sithori loah. 50gms. 1-1 dose after lunch and dinner with maharasnadi qwat.. (3teaspoon qwat + 3teaspoon water)along with that there are various phase of treatment, those treatment are on the experience of mine which i had cured many patient from different part of world, there are many effective herbs along with special preparation like- rasna, gugulu, dashmool are very effective in treatment..if any one have any question please can free to ask and send me mail- vaidya adwait tripathi vaidya (DR) adwait tripathi

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