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Heavy Metal Content in Ayurveda

Heavy Metal Content in Ayurveda

16.11.2015 |

Heavy Metal Content in Ayurveda Preparations; certain facts and background

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Dr. Sajan Kumar Somarajan (B. A. M. S)


Heavy metal content in Ayurveda preparations is a topic of discussion time to time. In this regard, it seems necessary that the seekers of healing through Ayurveda are well informed of the facts behind this issue. On one side Ayurveda preparations are generally known as having no side effects. The accusation of heavy metal contents at the same time put the whole Ayurveda Pharmacy in the shadow as well. And the ones who warn of heavy metal contamination seems unaware of the use of heavy metal preparations as medicine in Ayurveda as well!


Heavy metal Contamination of Ayurveda preparations:


The possibility of heavy metal contamination in Ayurveda preparations depends on the locality of the manufactures; the degree of pollution in their locality. Most of the herbs used in Ayurveda are collected from forests and hence are almost devoid of contamination. Some herbs are from the locality and could be exposed to contamination. The main source of contamination might be water which is extensively used in the preparation of decoctions, oils, ghees, etc. The factors causing high heavy metal pollution in a locality are rapidly expanding industrial areas, mine tailings, disposal of heavy metal wastes, leaded petroleum and paints, application of fertilizers, animal manures, sewage sludge, use of pesticides, wastewater irrigation, coal combustion residues, spillage of petrochemicals and atmospheric deposition. Mostly Ayurveda manufactures locate close to forests considering the easy availability of herbal raw materials and abundance of water. On this context, it is striking to note that the ancient scriptures reveal that the rain water (not from the first rain after summer) and water from the mountains are the purest and coming closer to oceans it is contaminated very much and that in the ocean cause the disorder of all doshas. However, pollution of various kinds is a global phenomenon, making land, water and air contaminated and it will certainly reflect more or less in everything.


Ayurveda observes the laws of nature and advices to follow them and live in harmony with; instead of fighting against, interfering, byepassing and obstructing. Individual health is a part of a social and environmental health and righteousness which is termed as 'Dharma'. The simplest explanation of this concept of unity and Dharma is given by Sree Narayana Guru*1


All what we mention as 'this one' (myself) and 'that one' (he, she, it, etc) are all ultimately parts of an ancient singularity. So, all what we do for the pleasure and welfare of ourselves should be making the rest of the world also pleased. Whatever job which turns out to be good for us and bad for others, works against spirit (Spiritual or divine laws or the unity of the world).”


('Aathmopadesha Sathakam'-24, 25).


Impacts of artificial scientific interventions on nature mentioned before, causing heavy metal poisoning are good examples for acts which benefit somebody and harm the rest of the world. Often such activities are not effectively controlled by the authorities, though laws and regulations will be there existing everywhere for prevention. A good example is the hazardous extensive use of Endosulphan in Kasaragode, Kerala, India which caused genetic disorders in children of the area and many strange incurable diseases in the locality which lead to the fight of the local people demanding its ban. Though many expert bodies organised by Goverment authorities made years of studies on this issue, at the end all turned out to be favouring the ineterests of the manufactures of this poison! Almost all such expert panels reported that the use of endosulphan is safe and could be continued. Meantime it is globally banned in April 2011 on Stckholm Convention. In another issue in Kodaikanal, India the local people are demanding solution for Mercury poisoning of the land, atmosphere and water through the dumping of waste by a thermometer making company by Hinduthan Lever Limited, a subsidiary of Unilever Company based in UK. There are many such examples in which multinational companies ignore the pollution and the environmental hazards they cause in third world countries. The paradox is that the same western countries which share the benefits of successful operations and business of their chemical industries in third world countries complain of traces of the products of pollution in their imports and insist ban on them. Developed countries should put a control on their exports as well with the same criterais they insist on their imports. And the developing countries should focus on the safety measures regarding waste management and pollution control as well, instead of completely focussed in tempting and inviting the multinationals, offering more than what they demand in the hurry for development. And everybody should understand the unity of everything and act accordingly. Whatever harm we do somewhere in the world will some day come back to us demanding solution. Each person or institution or country is like a leaf or branch of the oneness of a great tree. A branch cannot poison another and stay unaffected forever. Understanding this truth, Ayurveda advises to ensure the purity of everything we take in and do the same with whatever we give out or offer to the world as well.


Many people regularly using cosmetics are not aware of the fact that heavy metals like Mercury, Arsenic, Beryllium, Cadmium, Nickel, Lead, Selenium and Thallium are used in many of such products in quantities many times more than the safe levels fixed. Phenyl mercury hydroxide is used as preservative in some cosmetics. In '' Bonnie Jenkins describes the 6 year long study done in Connecticut, US by Yale University including 1300 local women. The sutdy had in its background a sudden increase of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma since the 1970s and Connecticut was found one of those areas with a particularly large number of confirmed cases. The report reveals “After analyzing the data, the researchers found that those who began colouring their hair before 1980 increased their chance of developing the disease by 40 percent. But the risk only appeared in women who used permanent rather than non-permanent dyes, chose dark colors (browns, reds and black) and who dyed their hair eight or more times a year for at least 25 years.” And the report further explains how the cosmetic industry lobbyists bypassed the FDA suggestion to print a warning (at least!!!) on their labels mentioning the dangerous chemical Phenylenediamine which was the prime suspect. Colours derived from Coal tar contains also Benzene which increases the risk of Leukemia, and heavy metals like Lead and Arsenic.




And here is one more link to an article by Ms. Debora Merlin, revealing the dimensions of heavy metal presence in the colouring agents used in cosmetics, food and medicines:


To prevent the fungal and bacterial contamination in Vaccines, Thiomersal is a compound of Mercury (Sodium ethyl mercuric thiosalicylate) in use. After the request of American Academy of Paediatrics in 1999 it was taken back in US and European Union. Information in internet (Wikipaedia, for instance) states that Thiomersal is still in use in the multi dose vials of Flu vaccines worldwide. For more information on this issue, check out 'Mercury in Medicine – Taking Unnecessary Risks'; a report prepared by the Staff of the Subcommittee on Human Rights and Wellness Committee on Government Reform, United States House of Representatives, Chairman - Dan Burton May 2003 through this link: ( ).


A report titled 'Metal Complexes as Drugs and Chemotherapeutic Agents' by N. FARRELL Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA, USA ( Link: ) describes in details the use of heavy metals in Chemotherapy and other fields. It reveals of the use of compounds of Platinum, Ruthenium, Arsenic, Gold, Manganeese, Titanium, Galium, Bismuth, Lithium, Vanadium, Silver, Lanthanum, etc. Modern Science and technology are highly manipulated now a days by commercial interests. The world is forced to trust some authorities blindly. They decide what people should know and what not!!! Whatever banned in some parts of the world even are often found safe through many researches and on that reason, is used in other parts of the world! The message behind is something like, 'this is proved safe through scientific researches and you must give it to your children, though we don't give it to our children'!!!


Another source of wide Heavy metal pollution is through PET (polyethylene terephthalate) bottles which are extensively used now a days for packing water, food items and even medicines. A study by Heidelberg University (Germany) on the contamination of Antimony(Sb) in PET bottled water discovered that the “comparison of three German brands of water available in both glass bottles and PET containers showed that waters bottled in PET contained up to 30 times more Sb. As a final test of the contamination hypothesis, water was collected from a commercial source in Germany, prior to bottling; this water was found to contain only four parts per trillion of Sb. However, the same brand of water purchased locally in PET bottles, was found to contain 360 parts per trillion. This same brand of water in PET bottles, but purchased three months earlier, yielded 630 parts per trillion Sb”.




A text book on Analytical chemistry available in google reveals that a thermal power plant using coal as fuel generating 2000 megawatt power in an year for instance, meantime expels 1600 tones of Lead, 800 tonnes of Zinc, 80 tonnes of Cadmium and 40 tonnes of Uranium!!!


The major source of atmospheric Mercury pollution is also the coal based Thermal Power Plants. International average of Mercury content in coal is estimated as 0.13 mg/Kg. The book 'Mercury Emission and its Control in Chinese Coal-Fired Power Plants' , available in google books (here) says that China had 495 tonns of atmospheric Mercury pollution during the year 2005. Wikipaedia ( with reference from EIA, World Energy Projections Plus (2009) says that the World coal consumption was about 7.25 billion tonnes in 2010 and is expected to increase 48% to 9.05 billion tonnes by 2030. What is making it highly alarming is the fact that 80% of this Mercuric vapour inhaled is getting stuck in the lungs while pure mercury passes the intestines almost completely unabsorbed. (Link here)


This is the real world in which we live in! When discussing on the heavy metal pollution in Ayurveda preparations, these facts we should also see in the background; where heavy metal contamination is purposefully and consciously done in large scales by industries and even Modern Medicine with the silent permission of the authorities! I invite the attention of the readers who are curious on this topic to see 'the other side' through an article 'Heavy metals warning for ayurvedic herbs is a distraction from the real threats to your health' by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, Editor of through the following link:


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Heavy Metals in Ayurveda


Ayurveda Pharmacology could be divided mainly in to three categories as below, in regard to this topic.


  1. Herbal:


These are purely herbal single drugs or combinations. It could be fresh paste, juice, etc or tea made of single herb or combinations, preparations for internal use in some base like oil, ghee, jaggery, etc, herbal vines, etc. Now a days such formulations come in the form of tablets, capsules and granules as well. Mostly these preparations are traditional, prescribed in classical texts which are hundreds of years old. Such well established ethnic formulations are well known by the Ayurveda society and open to the public as well. Because of that the ingredients are not listed on the labels usually; the reference text is mentioned instead.


  1. Metal and Mineral Preparations:


These are preparations out of metals and minerals. Ores and compounds of Iron, Copper, Gold, Silver, Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, Zinc, Manganese, etc are used in this category. Such products are prepared through various steps of purification and alchemic processing using herbal and animal products (herbal juices or decoctions, ghee, milk, buttermilk, yoghurt, etc), which makes the final product acceptable for the human body. Patients allergic to Iron, for instance tolerates well the Ayurvedic Iron supplement. Properly prepared and used as directed, they bring extraordinary results, especially in very chronic and incurable diseases. Meantime, improper making and wrong ways of using certainly bring adverse results as in case of any powerfull Modern Medicine. This category of products usually comes in the form of fine powders and are administered in very small quantities and suggested along with special diet restrictions. The nano form at which these products arrive at the end makes them possible that the body could expel them after their desired function. When long term use becomes necessary, breaks are made in between to give sufficient time for the elimination of these compounds.


Ayurveda Pharmacology of metal and mineral preparations is know as 'Rasasasthra'. It is a branch of speciality and there are Ayurveda Physicians specialised in it. Centred in the state of Tamil Nadu, exists an ancient system of Medicine named 'Siddha' which possess a highly advanced pharmacology based on such preparations. Siddha in its highest ideology permits its practice only those who devote their entire life in learning the system and living a saintly life, completely overcoming all human weaknesses. Physicians of these categories trust only on their self made preparations or some highly reputed manufacturers. They certify that through their many years long experience, didn't find any case of heavy metal poisoning. Meantime, the ignorants and quacks could make mistakes in unimaginable range!!! The making of some of such medicines demand sometimes procedures like grinding a compound manually on a stone grinder with a herbal juice or paste continuously for three weeks nonstop!!! Many of such preparations need months to complete, going through such processes one after the other every day. When an inorganic compound makes a toxic action or in the worst case, causing death, through the act it must be losing the toxic effect or the power of destruction to some extent. Many times repeating interaction with specific biological medium in the Rasasasthra way of processing must be reducing the toxic effects of inorganic compounds gradually. Rasasasthra is having 2500 years of history and Siddha even more and millions of Indians are using these preparations as well. Compared to the side effects and adverse reactions of Modern Medicines, the negative actions of such preparations are negligible and that makes Ayurveda keep its faith as a safe medicine all the time.


Chemical analysis will find only the cehmical compond and its ingredients it such products. But their action in biological medium is to be studied. In Ayurveda, the loss of too much of Semen is supposed to cause the loss of immunity and vigour. When some patients ask about this to modern medical doctors in India, they often say that Semen contains simply some proteins and it cannot harm health considerably. This is the attitude based on looking in to everything just through the chemical point of view. They are not able to see that 'a simple protein' cannot do what semen does!!!


In spite of the stringent procedures in making, the administration also is directed highly specific for each of such preparations. A physician advising such products should be well studied of the diseases and conditions where it should be used, the accurate dozage, the adjuvant herbal supplements which should accompany the intake of it, the dietary do-dont's in detail, limit of the duration, detox methods in case of toxicity and so on.


Research on the safety of the Ayurvedaic metallic preparations done by the Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee 247667, India in association with Radiochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai-440085, India revealed that these products are chelated (A chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions) with organic compounds from the herbal ingredients used for the processing. Such preparations are biologically produced nanoparticles and when taken along with milk, ghee, honey, etc as directed by Physicians, the harmful effects are controlled and they become easily assimilable and biocompatible. Use the following link to read this report.

( Link here )


Another research by the Pharmacology Department of All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Ansari Nagar, New Delhi - 110 029, India with the Ayurveda preparations, Calcury tablet (Herbomineral), Energic-31 Capsule and Basant Kusumaka Ras (Herbomineral) done in rats concludes as follows.


“The results of present study are coherent with the Ayurvedic literature. There were no significant changes in cognitive and motor functions and biochemical parameters of Calcury, Energic-31 and Basanta Kusumkara Rasa treated rats, demonstrates the safety of Ayurvedic formulations. These drugs are clinically used by a large number of populations without showing heavy metals toxicity. Hence, Calcury, Energic-31 andBasanta Kusumkara Rasa can be used at recommended dose and duration.”


The complete report is available through the link:;year=2012;volume=33;issue=4;spage=569;epage=575;aulast=Kumar


Safety evaluation of mercury based Ayurvedic formulation (Sidh Makardhwaj) on brain cerebrum, liver & kidney in rats, done by Department of Pharmacology, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India & Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India concludes the study with the finding “In conclusion, the findings of the present study suggest that Sidh Makardhwaj in the doses equivalent to human dose given for 28 days does not have any adverse effects on brain cerebrum, liver and kidney. Importantly, there were no changes in biochemical parameters at therapeutic dose. The histopathological examination also showed normal cytoarchitecture of brain cerebrum, liver and kidney ruling out its toxic potential at the therapeutic dose levels. However, mild histopathological changes were observed at higher dose (10 times of therapeutic dose) of Sidh Makardhwaj. “




A research titled 'Investigating structural aspects to understand the putative/claimed non toxicity of the Hg-based Ayurvedic drug Rasasindura using XAFS' done by


High Pressure and Synchrotron Radiation Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Purnima Labs Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India & Atomic and Molecular Physics Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Purnima Labs Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India & Arya Vaidya Sala, Kottakkal, Kerala 676503, India & Radiation and Photochemistry Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400085, India concludes as:


“The main results are that Rasasindura has the same structure as nontoxic-HgS, and toxic chemical forms, viz. elemental Hg0, organo-Hg, are completely absent. Our results also demonstrate that the nanocrystal (DRasa 24 nm) units of Rasasindura are robust, defect-free and free of organic molecules.

The absence of these toxic chemical forms helps in the understanding of non-toxicity, and the robust character implies the nanoparticle integrity during drug release. Further, we observed that Ayurvedic synthesis yielded a better controlled end-product than laboratory-based red ()-HgS: lower size dispersion and better ordered coordination configuration. With all these advantages, Rasasindura can be considered a potential therapeutic agent for target cell sizes(24 nm).”




Ayurveda is well known in the whole world now for its holistic approach on health and its unparallelled philosophoical basis. A world of treasures in Ayurveda and Siddha which will be realised by the world in the coming future will be Rasasasthra. The above mentioned research reports are only a beginning proving the safety and authenticity of ancient wisdom in modern terms.


  1. Herbomineral/herbometallic Preparations:


These are mostly patended formulations marketed by different manufactures, mostly in the form of tablets and capsules containing one or more metalic or mineral preparations along with herbal ingredients. In such products, the ingredients are all clearly mentioned on the label.


The myth of tradition and fraudulent activities in the field of Ayurveda:


It is well known that Ayurveda developed and sustained in India as a traditional knowledge system. This is true for all kinds of knowledge systems and classical art forms of Indian origin. But the fact is that this traditional system of learning is lost long back. Now a days all children go to school instead of staying back at home and learning the traditional things. The children from traditional Ayurveda families also now a days study in Ayurveda Colleges and after making their degree, spent some time with the father or uncle and get trained. Out of all Ayurveda physicians who claim traditional knowledge, a very small percentage only hold real tradition and are really well studied and knowledgeable. Servants of the physicians, helpers in the pharmacy, salesmen, therapists and all after a period of service and experience, start their own practice and claim of tradition. If you ask something regarding the very basics of Ayurveda; for instance what is meant by Vatha, their ignorance will be revealed. Seeing this trend, Late Mr. P. S. Warrier started the first Ayurveda college in Kerala to standardise Ayurveda studies in 1917 itself. A nostalgic feeling for traditional knowledge and the curiosity for the mystic experience from the side of patients and customers promote such fraudulence. Highly exaggerated stories of healing, magical healing power of secret formulations and above all, extreme confidence to heal any incurable disease are all typical claims of such healers.


Pretending traditional secret formulation, they offer powders and pastes without a name or label and charge exorbitant price. Each patient holds the right to know what he or she takes. People should not accept anything without a prescription in writing, reliable label and sealed packing to control such unethical practices. Because of the limitation of knowledge, such quacks usually prescribe certain preparations as a panacea for all kinds of health problems. Sometimes what they prescribe could be a heavy metal preparation about which he doesn't know the do-dont's or how long it could be used and even what for. I have met people in Germany proudly saying that they have done a session of Panchakarma in India right in the family house of 'the founder of Ayurveda'!!! This is somewhat like if I boast in India that I learned German language in Germany in the house of its founder!!! Another lady had 3 weeks Ayurveda treatments in Srilanka using only 101 times repeated medicated oils!!! 101 repetition of medicated oils needs altogether some 250 days for the making and such oils at the end will be having much ghee in it which got accumulated from the milk added each time. The cost, the level of cooking and form makes it practical only for using few drops at once, mostly for internal use.


An alternative for claiming tradition is fabricating stories of meeting superhuman Gurus and Saints somehere and getting blessed with knowledge or Palm leaf books 'for the welfare of the world'. The common end of all such stories will present the creator and propagator of the story as the one and only source of that secret knowledge. The Guru or saint will certainly not be accessible at all any more!!! Patients seeking cure must look for authentic physicians and reputed Ayurveda Centres instead of searching for magical healers and remedies. In ancient times the detailed information about the most powerful medicines were kept secret by Ayurveda Physicians. Disciples proved themselves trustworthy through many years, honest and not greedy only were considered to be worthy enough to posess such knowledge. Narrow minded, greedy, insane and ignorant people misuse such knowledge and through careless way of making, not insisting to have all ingredients, unhiegenic circumstances, adultration, overdozage, prolonged use and so on there are many factors in such case possible which could affect the quality and effectiveness of the preparation and chances for adverse effects, side effects, etc. For more sale and profit, they may insist the patient to buy bulk and take for very long spans of time. It is important to note that Ayurveda insists that prolonged use of medicines make the body and mind get used to the ingredients and active principles and making them not effect any more.


In India legally a registered medical practitioner holding a medical registration number only is permitted to practice Ayurveda. Illegally there are many healers and priests practicing all kinds of alternative systems of medicine. The making of herbal preparations also are somewhat the same. Anyway, the controversy of heavy metal contamination has brought restrictions on exports of Ayurveda products which require a heavy metal content test report from an authorised lab for permission. Seekers of healing through Ayurveda should make sure that they are not in the wrong hands. Be assured self that you rely on an authentic institution, knowledgeable and qualified physician and trustworthy preparations. Be careful about claims of tradition, secret knowledge, magical medicine, etc and be clear about the Ayurvedic preparations you are taking or going to start.


Conclusion: All these facts emphasises the necessity to take up the responsibility of own health and that of the family by self. Tendency of the majority is being passive and dependent on some system of medicine, doctor or government and non government organisations and health insurances blindly. Instead of blindly trusting and following somebody, each individual should spend time to check out the facts, learn to some extent, understand and make decisions accordingly. Many people proudly think of themselves that they are doing everything scientific. But they are not aware of the fact that instead of trusting and following somebody blindly, they themselves have never checked or directly got convinced of anything. Simply browsing in internet will reveal the disparities in high contrast, in between what really Modern Science says and what is actually in practice. Truth and untruth are highly indistinguishable in our times. It demands each individual take up the responsibility of own healthcare to a great extent.


*1 (An enlightened saint and visionary lived in Kerala, India (1856-1928) who lead a social revolution against the outrageous dogmas of the caste system prevailed and initiated an organisation which worked for the upliftment of the soceity through education, healthcare, small scale industries, etc. In his view, spiritual and material developments were two sides of the same coin and whatever the religion may be; it should refine human being. Many literal works of him in Sanskrit, Tamil and Malayalam explores the philosophical depths of Advaitha Philosophy and personal mystical experiences).

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